jueves, 19 de agosto de 2021


Queridos amigos.....hoy recibí mi tercera de refuerzo (AstraZeneca) y junto con sentirme afortunado por la protección que me da, me mueve a una reflexión.

Chile, un país pequeño, ha logrado una protección notable contra el COVID 19 para sus 20 millones de habitantes porque desde hace cinco décadas ha adoptado un modelo de Economía Social de Mercado. abierto al exterior y de preocupación por los más desposeídos.

Había reservas financieras para la emergencia gracias al responsable manejo económico de la era Pinochet y de los gobiernos de centro izquierda y centro derecha que siguieron.
Muchos países en el mundo, vecinos incluso, han sido irresponsables en el manejo de sus economías y, hoy, pagan el precio al no poder darle la protección de vacunas a sus habitantes.
Les cuento que yo me vacuné en primera dosis en el poderoso municipio de Vitacura y en segunda, en el no tan rico Municipio de Curarrehue de la Araucanía, pero la excelente atención del personal, fue idéntico.
Lamento el populismo político de los últimos dos años en mi país y la ignorancia e irresponsabilidad de los jóvenes que arriesgan un modelo económico eficaz y que logró sacar a mas de dos millones de personas de la pobreza.
Hoy, yo soy un privilegiado a nivel mundial al tener, mi tercera dosis, pero me temo que la estupidez e irresponsabilidad de muchísimos Chilenos, nos llevará en el futuro cercano, a perder todo lo bueno que logramos, y nos hará lamentar y recordar, más temprano que tarde, que "el hombre es el único animal que se tropieza mas de una vez en la misma piedra".

Dear friends:
I just recieved my third COVID vaccine, my "booster" shot.
Today´s AstraZeneca jab will suplement my two previous SINOVAC ones. Together with feeling so fortunate for this additional protection, I would like to share a couple of thoughts.
Chile, a small country, has, to date, achieved a superb vaccine COVID 19 coverage for it´s 20 millon population mainly due to it´s five decade adoption of a sound free market economy with emphasis on exports, private sector iniciatives, clear rules for foreign investment, a balanced budget and a focus on an efficient social safety net for the less fortunate.
Thanks to decades of responsible fiscal policies, iniciated in the Pinochet years and then continued by the democratically elected center left and center right goverments, the pandemic emergency caught Chile with the necessary financial reserves to cover, not only all the necessary vaccines for its population, but also generous financial packages for the most needy.
Many countries around the world, including some of our neighbours, have been hugely irresponsible in managing their economies, and, unfortunately, today, are paying the price, and are not able to efficiently finance and secure the necessary vaccines for their population.
I would like say that I recieved my first Sinovac dosis, on February 10, at the affluent Vitacura township and my second, one month later, in the rural and not so affluent southern town of Curarrehue, some 700 kilometers south of Santiago. I´m pleased to report that in both cases the process was equally as efficient and pleasant.
On the other hand, I feel saddened and troubled by the populist political process that is occuring in my country over the last two years. I´m appalled by the irresponsability of politicians on both sides, and the ignorance of the younger generations that put at risk an economic system that has worked well for the great majority of Chileans and has allowed over two million of our most vulnerable to abandon poverty.
Today, together with my fellow country men and women, I feel priviledged to be one of the first, worldwide, to have access to a "booster" vaccine, but at the same time I am concerned that the irresponsability and stupidity of a loud and violent minority will ruin in the short term, a system that has given us so much.
Is it killing the goose that lays the golden eggs all over again ?

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